Porcelain Veneers before and after photos from our London Harley Street Clinic
Porcelain veneers are growing in popularity and patients visit our clinic at 75 Harley Street, London from all over the UK and international locations to get the very best in veneers treatment. When you look at our London Harley Street porcelain veneers before and after photos it is easy to see how this simple but specialist treatment can help our patients to regain confidence in their smiles and forget about any issues with tooth damage or teeth staining.
There are other cosmetic dental treatments available but our porcelain veneers before and after photos prove that, for many people, the professional placement of bespoke porcelain veneers at 75 Harley Street gives exactly the natural-looking and restorative results they were looking for. Our veneers procedure is a very simple one also.
At 75 Harley Street we fit veneers to hide stained or discoloured teeth
Take a look at the porcelain veneers before and after photos below and you will start to understand why clients who have veneers fitted at our clinic are so pleased with the resulting improvements to stained or discoloured teeth. These porcelain veneers before and after photos show clearly how teeth that have acquired an unattractive colour over time have been completely rejuvenated through the careful placement of veneers.
See for yourself from our veneers before and after images how bright and wide previously unappealing smiles are following veneers treatment by our dedicated cosmetic team at 75 Harley Street, London. It is clear, from the wideness of these smiles, how pleased our patients are with the results of their veneer treatment.
At 75 Harley Street London we fit veneers to disguise crowded or chipped teeth
As you look through our porcelain veneers before and after images it will become clear that veneers don’t just provide a solution for people with stained or discoloured teeth. The professional placement of porcelain veneers at our clinic can also make a considerable difference to teeth that are chipped, damaged or overcrowded.
Although orthodontic treatment is often a recommended treatment for a crowded mouth, some patients prefer not to go down this route and it is easy to see from these porcelain veneers before and after photos that veneers placed by the cosmetic team at 75 Harley Street make a very satisfactory alternative.
Our Veneers Before and After Gallery

Before Treatment

After Treatment
This 47 year old man was not happy with the appearance of his upper front teeth which were severely twisted, crowded and stained. He decided against Orthodontic treatment and opted for Veneer treatment. The gum lines where adjusted slightly and the teeth restored with Ceramic Veneers giving the illusion of perfectly natural and aligned teeth.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
This 62 year old lady visited us with temporaries on all her upper teeth and final crowns on her lower teeth. she was not satisfied with their aesthetics, had lost confidence in her previous dentist and was seeking a second opinion from us. After an in-depth history taking, examination and treatment choice discussions we were very happy to be given the opportunity to treat her. We restored all her upper and lower teeth with Cermaic Crowns/Veneers providing an ideal result from a functional, heath and aesthetics standpoint. She and us were over the moon with the end results.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
This 39 year old lady worked in media and had to deliver many in person presentations as part of her job. She wished to improve her smile but refused Orthodontic treatment which would've only partially corrected her dental mal alignment. Following an in-depth wax design and in the mouth mock up procedure with temporary plastic, to preview the end results, we treated 10 upper teeth with Porcelain Veneers to align her teeth producing a very youthful, attractive and healthy result.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
This 42 year old diplomat was having problems with his teeth for years. The fillings his dentists was placing on his upper front teeth were constantly breaking. He had an undiagnosed night time clenching/grinding habit which had been wearing his teeth down for years. After careful assessment and planning, we restored his upper 2 incisors and all his lower teeth with Ceramic Veneers, Crowns and Onlays. He now wears a thin night time plastic guard over his teeth to protect them from wear and movement.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
Two ceramic veneers were used to restore upper front broken teeth.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
12 ceramic veneers were used to align this patients teeth and cover any chipped teeth.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
Teeth whitening and 10 new veneers were carried out which made for a whiter and more youthful appearance.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
10 ceramic veneers were used to align her upper front teeth, and position them further forward providing her with the beautiful smile she wanted.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
Patient was not happy with the appearance of her veneers and the general appearance of her smile. The veneers were replaced with better shaped veneers and the natural teeth were whitened.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
Patient was unhappy with the crowded appearance of his upper and lower front teeth. The 4 upper and lower front teeth were covered with veneers.

Before Treatment

After Treatment
Ceramic veneers were used to provide a straighter appearance to upper front teeth.
At 75 Harley Street we fit veneers that make you proud of your smile
For many of the clients who come to visit us at 75 Harley Street, the main issue with cosmetic damage to teeth is the impact it has on their self-confidence. Confidence in your appearance is important in all manner of business and social situations and when you take a look at the ‘before’ section of our porcelain veneers before and after photos above it is easy to see how some patients felt restricted by their smiles.
You only have to take a look at the ‘after’ section of our veneers before and after photos above to see why the professional placement of porcelain veneers by our specialist London Harley Street team has had such a positive impact on self-esteem and self-assurance.
From the porcelain veneers before and after photos you can see that discoloured, damaged, chipped and overcrowded teeth have all been rendered pleasing and bright by this specialist cosmetic dentistry treatment.
For more informatiion you can find out more about what are veneers and how they could help you, read our frequently asked questions about veneers or find out about the cost of veneers to help you decide if they're for you.